Oct 27, 2009

Bonus Room Decorating...Rocker Redo!

We all have those comfy rockers that we used when we had babies in the house. They are comfy, but not to pretty on the eyes. One of my friends gave me her rocker, and I just haven't parted with it because we use it in the game room to play Wii. Oh look...there it is with the red floral cover. It was actually a hideous pink and blue early 80's color, so I sewed new slipcovers for it was Jake was born 10 years ago!

I finally could take the white walls NO MORE. The game room HAD TO BE DECORATED!!! So, with some design suggestions from Sarah at Thrifty Decor Chick...and a few ideas I've had brewing in my mind from looking endlessly at other blogs, I decided it was time to get busy. I'm using chocolate brown and blue accents and bought some dark brown paint for the walls. I bought the paint years ago. However, I had painted so many rooms in the house when we moved in that my motivation ran out long ago! I was 3 rooms shy of completion. When the color finally made it on the wall, it was a bit more deep olive green than chocolate brown but hey, re-painting...NO THANKS!!! Plus, I don't have the funding for another couple gallons of paint. See color behind the chair. It's actually growing on me.
So I was shopping at Joanne's and found some awesome chocolate brown and blue fabric that would be PERFECT for the slipcovers. Only problem, it was a remnant. GOOD because it was on sale. Bad because there wasn't enough for the chair. So I've been searching high and low to find something that matched. I finally found something at Home Fabrics...and it was on sale for $3/yd and I only needed 1 yard...just enought to cover the underside of the chair pad, which nobody will see anyways. I also using it for the piping because it's a itsy bitsy greyish blue checkers which will be the perfect contrast.

I just took off the cushions and used them as a pattern to cut out the new cushions. And that's where I'm at. I was going to finish it tonight, but instead I've been blogging since 5pm. Hello!!! Can you say addiction. Now what I want to do is spray paint the frame a walnut brown and finish the cushions this weekend. We have a LOVELY holiday in Nevada called 'Nevada Day'. It's our states bday and we always get Halloween off because it's a state holiday. YIPPEE! I promise, finishing the chair will be my Nevada Day project.

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